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Spa treatments

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Facial and beauty treatments
A healthy back
1 Session/s | €126.00
A healthy back

Our feel-good packages

A healthy back


Stress-free: tension-relieving back massage
Re-energising: deeply penetrating foot-reflex massage
Relaxing: warming mud pack

Natural beauty
1 Session/s | €195.00
Natural beauty

Our feel-good packages

Natural beauty


Revitalising: "crash course" with intensive moisture ampoules 
Star status: eyes that sparkle and shine
Fragrant: regenerating aromatherapy massage
Inner harmony: gentle cashmere wood full body pack

1 Session/s | €16.00

Damit es Eurem treuen Vierbeiner an nichts fehlt


Im Zimmer steht Eurem treuen Begleiter eine Unterlage für die Futterschüssel mit einer Wasserschüssel sowie eine Handvoll feine Leckerli zur Verfügung. Natürlich haben wir auch immer ein Handtuch für die nassen Pfoten bereit. Vor dem Hoteleingang stehen für den durstigen Samtpfoten eine Hundebar mit frischem Wasser bereit. Gassisäckle bekommt Ihr gerne an der Rezeption Außerdem gibts super Gassi-runden Tipps vom Haushund Adam!


Fußzonenreflex Massage
Fußzonenreflex Massage

Nach einem wärmenden Fußbad werden gezielte Reflexpunkte an den Sohlen und Zehen durch Druckmassagen aktiviert. Dies fördert die Durchblutung und aktiviert den Selbstheilungsprozess.

Behandlungsdauer 40min 

Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage

Durch die sanften Streichungen mit den warmen und geölten Lavasteinen, stellt sich absolute Tiefenentspannung ein. Wohl die sanfteste Lösung Verspannungen zu lösen.


Behandlungsdauer 55min


Kräuterstempel Massage
Kräuterstempel Massage

Durch das Massieren der geölten Haut mit den warmen Kräuterstempel dringen die Wirkstoffe tief in die Haut ein. Das Hautbild verfeinert sich und wird gestrafft, die Entgiftung wird angeregt und Verspannungen werden gelöst. Die Kräuterstempel werden selber gemacht und können je nach Wohlbefinden gewählt werden.


Vitalisierenden Kräuterstempel beinhalten: Rosmarin, Lemongras, Orangenschalen, Pfefferminze und Eukalyptus.Beruhigende Kräuterstempel beinhalten: Rosenblüten, Melisse, Heublume, Lavendel und Kamille.


Behandlungsdauer 60min


Schröpf Massage
Schröpf Massage

Der Einsatz der Schröpfgläser auf der geölten Haut bewirken durch den Unterdruck eine tiefenwirksame Massage und löst in tiefen Gewebeschichten.      Die Muskelpartie und die Haut werden stark durchblutet und Verspannungen lösen sich und entgiften das Gewebe.


Behandlungsdauer 25min


Aromaöl Massage
Aromaöl Massage

Das perfekte Zusammenspiel aus wohltuender Massage und der angenehmen Düfte helfen den Körper, Geist und Seele auszubalancieren.                Schließe die Augen und lass dich fallen.


Behandlungsdauer 50min


Fuß- und Wadenmassage mit Minz Kompresse
Fuß- und Wadenmassage mit Minz Kompresse

Gönnen Sie Ihren Füßen und Waden extra Aufmerksamkeit


Entlastung der Füße durch spezielle Druckpunkte und Steichungen sowie Verbesserung des venösen Rückflusses in den Waden. Die zusätzliche Minz-Kompresse wirkt erfrischend und gibt ein tolles Gefühl.

Behandlungsdauer 25 Min.

Time together
ca. 90 min. | €192.00
Time together


When was the last time you whispered sweet nothings in your partner's ear?

In the hustle of everyday living your private life usually draws the short straw. A holiday

gives you the ideal opportunity to make up for lost time, and to enjoy yourselves in the process! Spend some quality time together, and savour every precious minute.


Our private spa offers the following packages:

Time together

  • sea salt peeling for two
  • a luxurious candlelight bath in the tete-a-tete jacuzzi
  • a sparkling glass of prosecco with fruit
  • relaxing 45 minute massage for two, using warm scented oils

Treatment duration: 90 mins

Just the two of us
ca. 35 min. | €92.00
Just the two of us

Our private spa offers the following packages:

Just the two of us

-sea salt peeling for two

-a luxurious candlelight bath in the tete-a-tete jacuzzi TELL A SPECIAL SOMEONE THAT YOU CARE


When was the last time you whispered sweet nothings in your partner's ear?

In the hustle of everyday living your private life usually draws the short straw. A holiday

gives you the ideal opportunity to make up for lost time, and to enjoy yourselves in the process! Spend some quality time together, and savour every precious minute.

Our private spa offers the following packages:

-a sparkling glass of prosecco with fruit


Treatment duration: 35 mins


Our private spa offers the following packages:

Just the two of us

  • sea salt peeling for two
  • a luxurious candlelight bath in the tete-a-tete jacuzzi
  • a sparkling glass of prosecco with fruit


Treatment duration: 35 mins

Personalised facial treatment – basic
ca. 55 min. | €80.00

Cleansing, exfoliating scrub, deep cleansing, skin diagnosis, personalised serum, massage, mask, finishing skincare
Long-lasting, deep-acting care for a radiant complexion, relaxed facial features, and more beautiful skin

Partial body massage
ca. 25 min. | €38.00
Partial body massage

Our massages

Partial body massage: feel the tension melt away


A partial body massage targets and loosens the muscles of the back, shoulders, neck or legs. Classical massage techniques are used to ease tension and reduce pain.


Treatment duration: 25 mins


Personalised facial treatment – complete
ca. 80 min. | €120.00

Cleansing, exfoliating scrub, deep cleansing, skin diagnosis, individual serum, massage, mask, finishing skincare, ultrasound, brow shaping, eyelash tinting
Long-lasting, deep-acting care for a radiant complexion, relaxed facial features, and more beautiful skin

Full body massage
ca. 50 min. | €69.00
Full body massage

Our massages

Sports massage: revitalise


This session begins with "hot roll" treatment to warm and relax the muscles. Using kneading and stroking techniques, our sports massage then targets trigger points and elements of connective tissue to effectively revitalise the entire muscular system. The treatment is concluded by a revitalising mint and menthol rub.

Treatment duration: 25 mins

Anti-ageing facial treatment
ca. 80 min. | €145.00

Cleansing, exfoliating scrub, deep cleansing, eyebrow shaping, eyelash tinting, ultrasound, deluxe massage with argan oil anti-ageing serum, mask, finishing skincare
Stimulated cell regeneration, a well-adjusted moisture balance, and protection against free radicals ensure defined facial features, increased resilience, and a youthful radiance.

Sports massage
ca. 25 min. | €64.00
Sports massage

Our massages

Sports massage: revitalise


This session begins with "hot roll" treatment to warm and relax the muscles. Using kneading and stroking techniques, our sports massage then targets trigger points and elements of connective tissue to effectively revitalise the entire muscular system. The treatment is concluded by a revitalising mint and menthol rub.

Treatment duration: 25 mins

Facial treatment for men
ca. 55 min. | €71.00

Cleansing, exfoliating scrub, deep cleansing, eyebrow shaping, personalised serum, massage, mask, finishing skincare
Men’s skin needs special care and protection with special herbal active ingredients for visible deep action. Whether you’ve had too much stress or too little sleep – your skin will get its energy back.

Foot reflex zone massage
ca. 40 min. | €62.00
Foot reflex zone massage

Our massages

Foot reflex zone massage: re-activate your immune system


Following a prescribed chronological order, acupressure techniques are used to activate the various reflex zones, stimulating the circulation in the relevant organs and parts of the body. Depending on your physical condition, this treatment can be invigorating, soothing or beneficial.

Treatment duration: 40 mins

Facial treatment for teenagers
ca. 45 min. | €55.00

Cleansing, exfoliating scrub, ultrasound, serum, finishing skincare 
Stressed and irritated youthful skin becomes more even and relaxed. Expect a fresh complexion and rosy cheeks thanks to bluvion Naturkosmetik’s anti-inflammatory serum.

Grandau luxury massage
ca. 55 min. | €72.00
Grandau luxury massage

Our massages

Grandau luxury massage: regain your inner harmony


The Grandau luxury massage is a harmonious combination of gentle massage strokes with warm oiled lava stones. The treatment concludes with sound bowl therapy techniques, to effectively repel any negative influences trapped in your body.

Treatment duration: 55 mins

ca. 55 min. | €47.00

Hands and Feet

Pedicure: care for your feet


Our feet do a lot for us, and we really ought to give them more attention. So why not indulge them with a lovely warm mountain herb foot soak? Just lie back and enjoy the moment. Hard skin will be gently removed and any potential problem spots treated. The treatment is rounded off with a revitalising massage using refreshing horse chestnut gel.

Treatment duration: 55 mins

ca. 50 min. | €42.00

Hands and Feet

Manicure: Feeling in your fingers


Are your hands cracked and dry? All the more reason to give them a bit of TLC!
The beautician begins by treating your fingers to a luxurious hand soak. A gentle peeling is followed by a special nail care treatment, and the session is rounded off by a beneficial massage from fingertips to elbows.

Treatment duration: 50 mins

Paraffin wax bath
ca. 20 min. | €24.00
Paraffin wax bath

Hands and Feet

Paraffin wax bath: intensive care


The perfect complementary treatment to a pedicure or manicure: an invigorating bath in 50° warm paraffin wax. The pores of the skin open under the warm layer of wax and, being unable to escape, the moisture remains in the skin leaving it soft and silky. A thorough finishing treatment rounds off your session.

Treatment duration: 20 mins

The balanced way to beauty
1 Session/s | €140.00
The balanced way to beauty

Our feel-good packages

The balanced way to beauty


The feel-good factor: Baborganic facial products with the natural energy of the Alps.
Take a walk on cloud 9! Enjoy a beneficial mountain herb foot soak, or try a deeply effective paraffin wax bath for the softest hands ever.

Pure energy
1 Session/s | €122.00
Pure energy

Our feel-good packages

Pure energy


Revitalising: full classical massage
Cleansing: full body sea salt peeling
A wake-up call for the inner you: invigorating mandarine and lime body pack

Pure relaxation
1 Session/s | €133.00
Pure relaxation

Our feel-good packages

Pure relaxation


Let yourself go: beneficial Grandau luxury massage
Cleansing: full body sea salt peeling
Peace of mind: relaxing lavender and mint body pack

feel-good package: Pure well-being
1 Session/s | €122.00
feel-good package: Pure well-being

Our feel-good packages

Pure well-being


Focus on feet: pedicure with invigorating mountain herb foot bath
Painless: revitalising sports massage
Light as a feather: leg and calf tension-relieving massage

Spa etiquette and useful information

To make your visit to our spa area as pleasant as possible, we have put together the following information and tips.

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Booking treatments

You are welcome to book wellness treatments at the hotel reception at any time. You will receive a 5% discount on all spa treatments scheduled to take place before 1 p.m. (not applicable to treatments and well-being packages that have already been discounted).


Wellness appointments can be cancelled free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the treatment. In the event of cancellation at short notice, we will charge 80% of the price. Thank you for your understanding.

Boutiquehotel Grandau
The Grabher-Agueci Family // Montafonerstraße 274a
6791 St. Gallenkirch // Austria
VAT no.: ATU 65416855
T +43 5557 6384 //